Monday, April 16, 2012

Little Ladies

Reese is 4 months old. Wow does time fly. She is growing too fast. I never want the newborn phase to end. She smiles, coos, and is just starting to laugh at us. We are smitten. 
I feel SO blessed to have two little girls. They make my life complete.
Man does she have great cheeks... I kiss them a million times a day.
Baby toes...
We tried out Rice Cereal for the first time and it wasn't a huge hit. She spit most of it out and made some funny faces. I guess mama's milk is still her fav. I will keep trying.
I love Gwen in this dress. I took a few pictures of her on Sunday. She is the funniest little girl right now. So full of life and personality. She is very fun loving, but on the other hand can sure throw a good tantrum. I'm hoping it's just the age. Or maybe it's just a girl in general.


  1. I cant get over Reese's sweet cheeks!! I'm sure I would kiss them a million times a day to! She is darling! Little Gwen, she reminds me so much of Paislee..they really would have SO much fun playing! We really should get together and play outside not that its getting warm! I'm serious! Call or text me! 801-427-8853

  2. I was watching home videos with the fam the other day and I can't believe how much Gwen looks like you when you were just little, with your blanket sucking your thumb! So adorable! I completely agree about Reese's cheeks - they are the sweetest ever!

  3. Those girls are beautiful. I love Reese's white outfit and her headband. Did Marie make that? Miss you cutie.

  4. I want Gwen's outfit for myself! Where did you get that darling dress? It is to die for. Those little girls are too cute. I love how much Gwen looks like you! Lucy talks about her all the time. Wish we lived closer. They had so much fun together.

  5. You are so blessed to have such gorgeous girls!!
