Friday, April 13, 2012


I love Easter! It's such a great holiday to reflect on the life of our Savior Jesus Christ. He lives!
We had a fun weekend full of Easter festivities. Gwen had fun dying eggs, hunting for eggs, and eating lots of sweets. She is at such a fun age right now.
We went to Riverwoods and met the Easter bunny himself. Gwen couldn't get over it.
Reese gets lots of loves from her aunt Jax and cousins. She is such a lovable baby. She smiles and coos at everyone.
In the morning we walked Gwen to a little park. She had fun wading in the stream.
Princess Gwen! My mom gave her a princess crown for Easter. She didn't want to take it off. She twirled around in the mirror all day saying "look mommy, i'm a princess". She is my girly girl and makes me laugh daily. 
We were able to be with Mike and Whitney on Easter sunday. They are both so sweet to my girls. I love them and can't wait for them to have kids of their own. They will be the best parents!
I took these kiddos on a little sunday stroll and before we made it to see the horses they were both asleep.
Cute Reese and Everett are 2 months apart (second cousins). Reese had a blow-out at uncle Brandon's and I didn't come prepared with a change of clothes or a diaper. Bad mom. We borrowed one of Everett's diapers and had a little photo shoot. Without that pink bow Reese might have been mistaken for a boy, ha! Love little nakey babes!


  1. You guys are such a cute family! I love all of these pictures. We need to get together this summer! xoxo

  2. I love all you pictures, and your cute little family! I'm so happy we were able to spend the day with you guys and love that we live next to each other! Mike and I love your girls more than anything!
