Sunday, February 12, 2012

Baby Reese!

I recently got the iPhone. I am loving it. Mainly for the quality pictures it takes. As you've noticed I love taking pictures of my girls. You can follow me on instagram at kenzevans.
Reese is now 2 months old. Wow, time flies. I love her so much! She has been an angel baby. She is the sweetest, most content, and peaceful little girl. She calms me. She is just starting to smile at us. It's the cutest thing ever. She lights up when we come talk to her. Gwen loves her sister. Every morning when Gwen wakes up she goes straight to Reese's crib to check on her and then comes to get me. They are going to be best buds.

Reese and Gwen don't look alike in their baby pictures. Reese looks like her dad. Maybe they'll look more alike as she gets older, but for now I don't see many similarities.

Two month stats:
Weight: 11lbs. 6 oz., 58%tile
Head: 14.75 inches, 31%tile
Height: 22.5 inches, 57%tile
I feel like I had forgotten how often babies sleep. Reese sleeps a lot. Gwen is starting to grow out of her naps... It's amazing how keeping the house clean or cooking a meal is all of the sudden a struggle. Naps are a great thing for mommy's.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my McKenzie - she is absolutely gorgeous! I love the pictures! I-Phones are amazing!
