Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Gwen is no longer a baby. Once Reese came along I felt like she was so big. She is my little buddy. I love to be with her. She makes me laugh all the time. On Valentines we made sugar cookies, watched Tinkerbell, played outside, and got in the hot tub. Chase and I attempted to go on a date, but "The Vow" was sold out. Tough luck! I had more fun watching Tinkerbell for the millionth time anyway.

I have the best husband. He surprised me with Kneaders french toast for breakfast, running shoes, and beautiful roses. I felt so loved! I appreciate and love him so much!

I hope all of you had a happy LOVE day!


  1. I can't get over how cute and adorable she is! Like mother like daughter :)

  2. haha! Lol! I love your cute personality. I'm sure Gwen is full of it too. Cute shoes!
