Thursday, September 8, 2011


Chase wanted to go to Vegas before Fall semester started. I wasn't too excited about the idea of going to vacation in 110 degree weather. Besides the intense heat we had a great time!
We stayed at uncle John's and swam all day in his pool. Gwen loved the constant attention she got from Chloe and Gracie. I'm excited for Gwen to have a sister to play with soon!

Gwen conquered going under the waterfall.

We got home, unpacked, and the next thing i noticed was these two sound asleep on the couch. I sure love them!


  1. We are so glad you stopped by to see us! We just wish it could have been longer. Oh my. I can't say enough about that sweet girl. I just LOVE her! I love her little babble that sounds just like Logan and I love her cute personality. She is such a doll! We can't wait to see you again. Hopefully it's SOON. Your little family is so darling, McKenzie!

  2. So fun! Sad summer is coming to a end, and all the swimming fun will stop! I dont know what we will do! Send me your email to and I will send you the potty training program we did!

  3. i love that last picture! he looks soo comfortable..NOT! glad you didn't die in that 110 weather. my sister lives there and i feel so bad for her when she is prego. ahh i'd shave my head and who knows what??

  4. What a fun little vacation...even in the hot weather! Vegas is sooo hot! I don't know how anyone lives there.
