Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2 Year Update!

2 Year Stats...
Weight 29 lbs. 81%tile
Length 37 in. 99%tile
Head Circumference 19 in. 82%tile
Gwen is one healthy little girl! I wasn't surprised she's practically off the charts in height. She'll be tall like her mom.
A few things she is into lately:
All the girly things like having tea parties, wearing tutus, and playing with babies.
She loves to snuggle with her silky blankies, eat popcorn, and watch Disney movies. Her current favorite is Rio.
She loves to play in Gram and Poppy's backyard. They got her a swing set this summer and she can't get enough of the slide and teeter toter. She enjoys riding her strider bike back and forth on the sport court. She would swim in the pool all day if we would let her. I'm honestly worried for summer to end for Gwen's sake.
As Gwen was nearing two I was concerned about her language development. She prefers to babble over using real words. She is quite the conversationalist, but in her own little language. She understands things we ask her to do, but has a hard time communicating what she wants. It has been frustrating for the both of us at times. Most 2 year olds have a much bigger vocabulary than she does, but secretly I love her little language. I will miss it when she is rambling off sentences. She has just started to catch onto words and mimic what we say. Her sweet little voice (loud at times) is the cutest thing in the whole world! Especially when she makes her animal sounds. I know the talking will come. As long as she continues to say "mommy" I'm set!
We have been blessed to live in my parent's guest house for the past two years. Gwen has practically been raised by my whole family. She should have the best self confidence in the world, because she has been so loved and adored from the moment she came into this world. Being the one and only grand child she gets pretty spoiled.
We love our little girl and how she puts a smile on our faces everyday!


  1. She is such a doll! I am sad we never got together this summer!

  2. She is such a cute girl! What a lucky girl to be spoiled by your family. How fun!

    Millie was a little delayed with crawling, (I thought it was because of her eye) so I signed her up for the early intervention program here in Michigan. EVery state has it. They just come in and evaluate your child, play with them, and see if you qualify for the program. If you do qualify, they send someone out to your house every so often to work with your child and you. They do it for speech, sight, autism, ADD, OCD, motor skills, and pretty much anything! If it's something you want to do just google it and it should come up. It's free! And hey, if it benefits your child, why not do it right?! I've known a few people that have done it, and have been really happy with the results! :)

    Excited for your new little addition! And I can't wait to see pictures!
