Thursday, December 29, 2011

Birth Story

The labor and delivery of baby Reese

Some of the visitors...

I was due Christmas day. Who wants a Christmas baby? Not I. So I set it up to be induced on Dec. 19th. My family was leaving to Hawaii on the 19th, so I was really hoping Reese would arrive earlier than that. I had my membranes stripped on Wednesday the 14th and had been dilated to a 3 for a few weeks prior to that. I thought for sure that would put me into labor the next day. I didn't notice anything different. No signs of labor. Dang! On Friday the 16th Chase was bound and determined to get this baby out of me. We were so anxious for her arrival at this point. My stomach was so tight and I could hardly sleep anyways. That night Chase took me to a steep hill to walk up. We bundled up to venture out into the 27 degree weather, put Gwen in the stroller, and off we went. We got home around 10, put Gwen to bed and by 11 pm I was having contractions. That walk must have done the trick! Shortly after that I started bleeding. I figured it must be from stripping my membranes. Then the blood really started flowing. I was nervous, because I never bleed with Gwen and this was a lot of blood. I called my bishop/doctor and asked him if that was normal. He said to rush to the hospital. Chase and my mom rushed me to Timpanogos labor and delivery at midnight. When I arrived I was already dilated to a 6. I guess the heavy bleeding was because my uterus was starting to separate from the wall. The contractions started getting closer together and more and more painful. They immediately called the doctor. I was going to have this baby soon! By the time the anesthesiologist got there I was dilated to an 8. I wanted that epidural regardless. Who wants to feel the pain of pushing if you don't have to? My bishop wanted to deliver Reese. He wasn't on call, but came in the middle of the night to deliver her. Dr. Jacob is amazing! I pushed 2-3 times and she was out. She was born at 2:40 am on December 17th... My birthday! She was the best birthday present I could have ever asked for. Holding Reese for the first time is a moment I will never forget. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I held that sweet girl straight from heaven. I was so grateful she came before my family left out of town. It was extra special to have my mom there. My sweet sister Alexis even came to see Reese delivered. Having babies is such a miracle. Truly amazing!
I felt so tired and emotional the second day in the hospital. I wasn't sure if I was ready to be a mother of two. I was feeling a little overwhelmed. I didn't know how Gwen would handle the new baby. I missed Gwen like crazy. She has been my baby and little buddy for the past 2 years. I was so happy to see her when Chase brought her to the hospital. She kept saying "cute baby", but didn't realize that was her sister we were bringing home to keep. Since we've been home Gwen has been so cute with Reese. She doesn't care to hold or touch the baby, but is always talking to her. She says "come on baby, let's get in the tub. Come on baby, toys. Ni night baby". It will be fun when Reese is a little older and can play with Gwen. They will be best friends. Nothing is better than having a sister. I'm sure grateful for the one I have.
Reese's bilirubin levels were high (16.8) when we left the hospital. The jaundice made it look like she had a nice tan. I had her tested in the lab daily, and those numbers slowly went down. I never like to see her get poked. It's so sad! We had the bili blanket delivered to our home and kept her on the light for 4 days. She had to be naked all the time. Not fun! Being a newborn she slept often and the bili blanket didn't seem to bother her. She really is an angel baby. She only wakes up once in the night and hardly ever cries. I could just cuddle her all day. We love little Reese more than words can describe!
Having a baby always reminds me of how much I love my husband. He has been so helpful and sweet to me. It has been so nice to have him home for the holiday's. He has played with Gwen and made the transition of two kids much easier. I couldn't have done it without him. His girls are lucky to have such a great daddy!


  1. I'm happy to hear that everything went smoothly! You guys are such a cute family. Miss you!

  2. She's beautiful!! Congratulations!!

  3. Wow what a story! Glad all went well! She is so darling!!!!

  4. Mckenzie, I apologize for finally getting a second to read your blog and find out when you had Reese! I didn't know you had her on your birthday! How neat! I'm so glad all went well with your delivery and that your family was there. The delivery room is always my favorite part of having a baby because it is the END and because it feels like I'm in heaven when the baby is delivered. It is beautiful. So very happy for all of you. Miss you! Can't wait to see that baby girl when we come back to visit Utah again. Love you.
