This is Gwen's chair in our house, or at least she thinks so. She sits on this chair to watch her Disney movies and gets upset if anyone else sits on it. I just have to laugh, because she manages to pull all kinds of poses on this thing. Half the time she doesn't even look comfortable.
Now this is the life! She looks so content and cozy in her mini recliner.
Here's another one of her fav's. The i pad! I'm hoping the movie watching craze will end once the weather warms up. For now she can't get enough of the movie 'Despicable Me'.
We had a glider in Bailey's room that I used to rock her as a baby in. We just brought it into our family room a few months ago so we could use it to rock Matthew (since he doesn't have a room), except she always gets mad at us when we sit on it and says, "That is my chair!" She's finally learning how to share "her" chair. haha!