Monday, December 12, 2011

Santa Came to Town!

We celebrated Christmas with my family on Sunday night. They leave to Hawaii in a week and will be gone for Christmas this year. We had an amazing dinner with prime rib and salmon. Santa came to visit, brought us stockings full of goodies, and we opened some presents. My grandpa Hammond then read us a sweet story he wrote about the true meaning of Christmas. Heavenly Father gave us the greatest gift of all, his son Jesus Christ. I am truly grateful for the peace and love we can feel at this time of year as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.
I wasn't sure how Gwen would feel about Santa. She fully embraced him. She was so excited when he came through the door. She hasn't stopped saying "Santa, ho-ho-ho" since.

He even brought her a toy. Gwen was on Santa's nice list!

Whitney's sister Shelby and her husband Tryge joined us for dinner.

Damarcus Harrison joined us as well.
We had a marvelous Christmas!
My parent's spoiled us... I got a beautiful oil painting of the savior for our home, Chase got a North Face coat.
Chase gave me a new camera lens that zooms far, wahoo! He got a new macbook pro laptop. Fun, Fun!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, to your sweet family. What a fun party. Looks like you had a wonderful time. SO glad you were able to celebrate with everyone. Gwen is so adorable. It's so fun as they get older to watch them have more fun during Christmas, cause they get it! We love you guys!
